Wednesday, June 12, 2013

WEEK 11: Final Evaluation

Advertising to me is one of the best ways to show a product off, well on of the only ways to show a product off. It is a huge part of the industry that we live in very competitive and fun in a lot of ways. You can make it humorous, serious, and competitive, stand alone, or plane o’ exciting. It is really up to the people or person who is advertising it they have to be creative and positive in what they are producing to give a backbone to what there advertising. If they don’t show effort you can pretty much tell.  You can advertise though radio, television, and ads on websites, magazines, newspapers, billboards, and so on. This Is up to the person doing it what they are experienced in or who they know to help with a product. I believe the best ways to show advertising are through the Internet and or television and billboards, because those are what people do on a daily basses. I say this well because frankly this is what we do now as a society it is very media like no joke! People can then campaign their ideas though conventions twitter, Facebook, lets just say social websites, and at rallies or whatever it may be.  This classroom experience was an outstanding experience for me it was very entertaining and influential in a lot of ways, we read out of the book but a lot of things we did as a class which I enjoyed it very much.  It is not the field I am getting in but, it is a thing to learn because it is around us in an everyday life no one thinks about it and it is fun to know what is going behind everyone’s product.

WEEK 10 EOC: What channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

What I am going to do to get my product noticed Is I am going to show the world how at the CES conference, E3 stuff like that. CES is to show the statistics compared to others, and how awesome it would be when it is, put to tests against other products. On top of this I will also show the sleek and new and improved look witch gives it its title the titan because its rough and rugged design is made out of aluminum compared to the other made out of plastic cases. This is already give it a big jump, in recognition because enthusiasts out there want there stuff to look good inside there system when they build it. Then we will share the price, and compare it with older models showing why its so expensive and how my GPUS are in one card x2. Making it the most for the money spent.  I will then bring it to E3 and play the best games out there on ultimate graphics, showing how much this machine can take. Not only will I stress the card like that but will also be recording video at the same time and using another monitor showing statistic are still up. This would all be displayed on the three screen experience and the other peoples can be on a one screen or three screen and this still going to overpower it which better and higher frame rates and response times then then competitors. This is what I would do.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WEEK 9 EOC: Creative Content

What I want to do with my creative content is taking a picture; of a scene where there is a LAN party going on. LAN party is a group of friends, competitors, and or a group of NERDS get together for a gaming experience. They all bring their systems, and sit down and game against one another. They will be playing a game of some sort that obviously takes high quality GPU to support the graphics. One person will have a Mid-grade GPU from the same company EVGA, and the other will have the EVGA TITAN. In the picture I either want to show the person with the mid-grade EVGA unsatisfied because, he or she will be loosing and or having graphical issues because they can’t support high quality gaming on one monitor. The person with the EVGA TITAN, will be happy and excited as he or she is winning obviously and has not only one monitor but a TRI-SCREEN experience going on and a crowd surrounding him or her, as the other person does not have anyone surrounding them when he used to have someone surrounding then when he first arrived. I don’t know if I want to do this in Storyboard Mode or Billboard mode, but how I want to show this so far in my mind I’m thinking storyboard mode would be best to explain what I’m trying to get a crossed.  I haven’t decided if I want to use a different product besides EVGA as the competitors using the midgrade yet either, I’m trying not to bash other companies in the advertisement I want to do. But, this is what I have decided I want to do so far. I might change it up al little bit as I have not yet taken any pictures yet.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WEEK 8 EOC: Typogrophy

 1) Embrace The Power of A GOD

2)Embrace The Power of A God

3) Embrace The Power of A God

4) Embrace The Power of A God

5) Embrace The Power of A God
6) Embrace The POWER of A GOD

7) Embrace The Power of A God

8) Embrace The Power of A God

9) Embrace The Power of A God

10) Embrace The Power of A God

Analysis of Project in the Real World

 Analysis of Project in the Real World Quotes:

1) It is a safeguard against overlooking novel solutions. Page 33 2) You analyze a problem by defining all its important factors, as well as the immediately apparent options for solutions. Page. 33 3) Under what circumstances do we think things are real? Page. 34 4) which the particulars of the events and activities to which we attend are organized and made sensible Page. 34

Information for quotes: Landa, R. (2010). Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Wiley

I believe the analysis of the real world would of been a  great success as I believe what I did was very entertaining and, the world that this stuff is involved in would of got it too. This is not a product that everyone knows, so I think that I did an alright job showing what is it, basically letting people know its powerful compared to whatever else s out there. This final project was very exciting and I enjoyed it very much. It made me think alot when seeing ads on tv and what I could do to make my product different then others. I had a great experience with this. And I liked it very much.

Creative Content

Creative Content Quotes:
1) Consider the brand or group and what kind of story would best help you explore ideas or explain it. 2) Choose from among conventional conflicts: person against person, person against society, person against himself or herself, person against machine, etc. Once you determine the conflict, determine the message, characters, and plot. An excellent example, and an easy one to understand, is the conflict and plot in the classic American Western film High Noon (1952), directed by Fred Zinnemann. Classic fairy tales also offer easy to understand conflicts and plots and are wonderful sources for learning how to tell stories; for example, examine different tale types as well as the classic tales: “Beauty and the Beast,” “Cinderella,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Snow White,” “Bluebeard,” and “Hansel and Gretel.” 3) Consider telling a story where the brand or group plays a pivotal role in the story or at least a role where the characters are involved with or use the brand or group. 4) Alternate route: Find an existing story and see how your brand or group fits into it, for example, use the story of “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Page 41 for all Information from: Landa, R. (2010). Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Wiley



Promotion QUOTES : 1) If you could easily swap the brand, then your theme or idea is probably too generic. 2) In a professional setting, various digital solutions involve interaction models, user testing, detailed wireframes, functional specifications, development activities, quality assurance, and exit criteria (once testing is complete). 3) The other possible ways of depicting our idea—the “real life” approach—scenes of people scurrying to the airport—ensuing mayhem—happy resolution, or title cards revealing one brilliant headline after another, or beautifully shot scenes with a clever counterpoint of contemporary music—were washed away. 4) Why is it that so many great ideas die on a piece of paper? They “look” great, they “sound” great, and then something terrible happens. I suggest that the next time an idea turns out just the way you imagined, or better yet, way better than you imagined, first thank the great people you worked with, and second, reconstruct the events that led to that success and try to learn from them. PAGE 204 INFORMATION FROM TEXTBOOK: Landa, R. (2010). Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Wiley

So What I have chosen to do was choose two video cards done by other companies, i chose two different models too. they have having a conversation about the bigger GTX 690 talking down to the GTX 680 asking why his frames per second are so slow, the 680 comes back saying why he is so a cheaper price and he ius work more bang for the buck, they then realize there is a huge chip above them witch begins to fall from the sky, this of-course is the EVGA TITAN, they scream get smashed. This is falling formt he sky because, of-course they are TITAN's, and what they were talking about is both of those packed into one video card. Witch makes both of them nothing compared to the evga. This will be an advertisement that I chose to do unlike what i selected before I like the way it came out you will be able to see it in my creative content final project post.