Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WEEK 4 EOC: Role of Women in Contemporary Advertisements

Role of Women in Contemporary Advertisements

Here is two ads one Vintage one Modern, the vintage ad is an ad showing youth t women can do it because the men where all drafted over seas for combat. So it is influencing them showing that they have the momentum to do the jobs that they were forbidden to basically do when there husbands where there. As for the Modern age advertisement it shows you how much society has showing how amazing their body could get wearing there Nike brand shoe. The reason this is such a big difference is because you would have never seen an ad like this back in the 50s-60s. It is not a bad thing at all, but shows how much we have opened up in letting women do that they can do. As the first ad says We Can Do IT” witch it very true in the modern age now. As a human everyone should be equal women, men, black, white. Whatever it is, the advertisement’s here cans how you how fast everything is moving in a forward direction as even women can join the military now and show how much “They can Do IT,” too. The advertising world is very different then it was back then from now. The Modern advertisement here shows how the Nike show will make you body look amazing for the men. Make you slick slender and motivated. Amazing ads in my opinion.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WEEK 3 EOC: Tobacco Ad


  • 1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
  • 2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?
  • 3. Who are the people or groups?
  • 4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?
  • 5. What are their goals?
  • 6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?
  • 7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?
  • 8. What are the outcomes?

This vintage advertisement on tobacco is stating how pleasurable it is to smoke the brand of camel. The gentleman in the ad is looking relaxed and laid back trying to show how hip it is with there brand being burned by you. They have him in a nice breezy day birds a chirping condition. The point of view is they have a young built guy smoking their smokes in a relaxed cool fun environment. Their goal is to sell their pack as a fun enjoyable product instead of just death. They do mention the surgeon’s warning on this pack but as well they spin it off with how the character and speech at the top say’s “Pleasure To Burn” speaks for itself.  They have a pack of smokes you can see rolled up in his sleeve to show another cool trend that people can do to hold there pack (In another “Hip Way”). There is a conflict because they have a surgeons warning on their ad, so they try and show that although it can cause death, it is a hip cool thing to smoke a stogie.  The outcome to this ad obviously was a good outcome, because, people to this day get a lot of pleasure smoking cigarettes even though they know for a fact that it kills people. So much to say, even though they know it can kill them in the process.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

WEEK 2 EOC: Questionable Ethics


ABSOLUTE YOGA, This is intertwining a workout with vodka witch the two I believe you should not mix together witch to me makes the ad irrelevant in its-self. They show the bottle on its neck, as a human would be if they got too drunk with there liquor in my opinion that is the way I look at it. Normally they would put drink responsibly, witch it does say at the bottom of image but how can you say drink responsibly when your showing an image of there liquor face first.


There's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead I think is a horrible way to advertise LIGHT beer. I think mentioning anything about death with alcohol is not right because, a lot of people are killed from this substance. So mentioning it on an add then were talking about calories but, it can go a bunch of different directions, bad advertising in my opinion.


This is an ad saying there smokes are better for you then other brands. There actually saying there cig's are the best int he market. I don't think that smoking is good in general fr you at all but then they didn't really know that smoking was bad. There also using there Chesterfield fields as saying its scientifically proven hat there the best witch is all wrong in ever sense.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

WEEK 1 BOC: About Me

Photography is an art it is a snap in time you capture though a glass lens. You see pictures throughout the world, on walls, internet, hallways, etc. A picture is more like a moment captured in time, a glimpse of the past, of events like weddings or parties, childhood or first day of school, can be any moment you want to remember and one flick of the finger and you have yourself the proof of past times. Photography has all sorts or roads you can go down. Such as, Street photography which is more on the go shots, or pro sport photography, National Geographic is another one out in the field doing photojournalism.

The route I chose to go is to open a studio and do portraits for people, weddings, events, concerts, or pro games as this is capturing history of someone’s life, or career. You would be part of their life for as long as they have those moments you snapped for them. This to me is totally worth being involved in this industry, as well it’s exciting. Photography is a very social lifestyle and would be mostly loved and viewed by the majority of the world every day. I say if you want it go for it, I dd.

WEEK 1 EOC: Volkswagen Lemon

“The Volkswagen missed the boat”
 This Quote to me means they started marketing this car in the United States with bad timing and it flopped. World War Two had just ended a mere 10-15 years ago. What happened during WWII? The Nazis captured the Jews. The agency that produced this ad was a Jewish company, why would they want to help out the enemy. This is not only a bad batch it is also a advertising from Germany simply after the war. They had a bad batch of cars that failed the inspection, basically making them “lemons”
 “We pluck the lemons; you get the plums”
 In other words the company is saying they will collect all the bad apples in the bunch before sending them out. But a wonderful advertising sales pitch. No one wants to get the bad seed, that’s why the inspect everything. The first one came back not so great so they went at it again and came out better.
 “Final Inspection is really something!”
 They are telling you that these cars are very well inspected by around 4k employees The reason they tell you this is to let you know that even though there was a bad batch “LEMON” It was just a common mistake and will not happen again. So they will insure you that your car will be guaranteed not a “lemon”.